Friday, November 21, 2008

Experience His Love Songs for you

In our women's group, we have been studying the God's Amazing Love through the Song of songs written by Gaye Moss (it's so wonderful!! Everyone needs to do that study, it'll transform your view on God's love for you as your bridegroom!). How the Lord pursues us in such an intimate way!

Here, I have put a couple of love songs on the top of my playlist playing here.
Yes, God can speak through any songs, not just worship songs.
I invite you to close your eyes and experience the Lord as your loving bridegroom through these love songs to you...

He wants to take you (His princess - for the women that are reading) to a whole new world that you can't and don't even want to go back to where you used to be.
And, as you are dreaming that your love would be right here with you, He already is; you never dreamed that He'd notice you... well He does and He sees you beautiful no matter where you've been, what you've done, even where you are, what you look or feel like. He loves you, period!

I pray that you'll experience Him and His longing for you as I have through these songs.

1 comment:

  1. I love that song from Aladdin! I am God's princess. I have 2 daughters. My oldest ask me "How many princesses do we have?; and I'll say "I have 2." She always says "No mommy we have 3. You are a princess, too.!" So I have started answering her question with "3"! You are such a blessing. Happy Thanksgiving!
