I just attended the most amazing Writers Conference hosted by Roaring Lambs Ministries this weekend. I am super-energized and feel the writing juice flowing...
There were several dynamic speakers who talked about their experiences as writers, their journeys, their struggles with God's grace weaving through all of that. They are genuine and have such passion to see others writing gifts manifested to change the world for the Kingdom. They are sincere and want to get to know each person they meet. I am so inspired by their love for God and people.
One of the keynote speakers was Dr. Gene Getz, a 77-year-old godly man who has authored over 50 books, and has pastored and taught at bible colleges. His current project is a "Principles to Live By" Study Bible, each page with principles and cross-references with other parts of the bible, questions to ponder on that is cross-cultural and ready to be translated without bias. He said he starting publishing books before anyone knew what "an agent" was while discussing the topic of whether a writer needs an agent. During lunch, after walking away for a few minutes and returned to our table, Dr. Getz and another speaker were at our table. I was thinking to myself, "What are they doing sitting at our table?" Well, I joined the conversation along with my friends there. We were in awe that we were dining with 2 of the speakers and one of them being Dr. Getz. As we were sharing, they listened just as intently to us as we were to them. They were interested in the little projects we involved in compared to the gigantic, world-changing ones they are charging over. Dr. Getz has been to Hong Kong to speak to pastors at churches three times, and I quickly interjected, "I'm from there." He then expressed his interest to go back there again and we saw his love to share the Word of God with the Chinese people.
My favorite radio program is "Point Of View" on Christian radio 5 days a week. Two of the hosts were there, Kerby Anderson and Penna Dexter. They are as down-to-earth as anyone can be. I had the opportunity to talk to Penna extensively which was amazing, she kept asking questions about me and my writing and home-schooling. I was surprised that she really wanted to know. She was even delaying lunch just so I would finish telling her about me.
I saw the love of Christ transcended in people at this little conference like no other. Everyone walked away inspired, with fear dissipated and ready to pen down words straight from Father's heart, doing our little parts and not feel little as the world would have us think. Questions like "How can I possibly make a difference?", "Who would even care what I have to say?" or "How my life experience would be relevant to them?" are no longer relevant. I LOVE THAT! Like my friend, Sacha said, that day was a total divine appointment.
There's been a desire in me to write a book for sometime. It was my dear husband, who first approached me about it 3 years ago. He gave me an idea and said, "now get started!" I said, "HOOOOOOLD ON, Mr.! I am not sure about this. I have to pray about it." Then, my sweet God-father said to me once prophetically, "Oh, I know you are a writer, you'll be writing a book alright, I know you'll write 3 books." WOW, okay, Lord, I am listening.
I believe there's no coincidence. I have been distracted for sometime by different things in life, interesting and fun projects. But, I was drawn to go to this writers conference, and feel that "The time to write is now."
At the conference, I was inspired by some veteran writers, the most sincere people and genuinely desiring to see other believers succeed and fulfill God-given purposes for us with our writing gifts.
Writing takes discipline, it takes prayers,diligence and sensitive observation. I find myself energized, refocused, organizing, prioritizing and strategizing, by God's grace!
I have slowly started the process to write, and look forward to all that God is downloading in me to write,and to express what's on His heart for His beloved.
So, read on... I will keep everyone posted.
Background: The Context to Right Conversations
Change the world? Yes please, but first we have to engage our culture.
Engage the culture? First we have to learn to steer clear of destructive
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