One of the biggest lies in the world is that a fetus in the womb is not a person until he/she is born.
I remember at my very first OB appointment when we found out we (well, I) were pregnant and heard our baby's heartbeats, he was a real person, alive and well, a precious life given by God. I remember going back to work that day sharing my uncontained joy with my co-workers and baffled at how anyone could say that this is not a life in the womb. God said to Jeremiah in Jeremiah 1:5, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you." God knows everything about you and has loved you before you were even conceived. That's amazing!
I used to be one of those that said, "A woman should be able to do whatever she wants with her body." How wrong was I!! We are not our own, our bodies belong to God.
That was all changed when one day my best friend, Karen, from high school told me one day shaking and said, "I will NEVER have an abortion!" I was surprised at such a statement and asked her what had happened. That day in school, they showed a video on what happens during an abortion, which changed her view completely on the subject, which subsequently changed my mind as well. Karen briefly described to me how gruesome an abortion procedure is in ending the life of an unborn.
God is the ONLY life-giver, and should be the ONLY life-taker. He does not make mistakes, even babies with disabilities carry special purposes to be here on early by our Father King. Some over 70% of down-syndrome babies are aborted because they were not wanted. I have also heard numerous stories of misdiagnosis; so how many "normal" babies were aborted because of doctors' mistakes.
These so-called "unwanted" babies to be aborted, healthy or not, are desperately wanted by many, many couples that would love to adopt them but are not given the opportunities.
The saddest story I have heard on this was from a nurse named Jill Stanek in Christ's Hospital in Chicago, IL. She had no idea that abortion was a routine procedure done when parents-to-be agreed to the procedure after being told that their baby had down-syndrome. One day, Jill saw a nurse carrying a 20-week-old baby in the hall. She asked the nurse where she was taking the baby. The nurse was taking the baby to the utility room to leave him there to die. This was a baby that survived an abortion, and by law, no medical treatment was required to save his life. Jill was shocked and asked if she could hold the baby for the rest of his final moments. Jill held that baby for 45 minutes until he breathed his last breath. That changed Jill's life forever. She became a pro-life activist to help save unborn babies. She led a legislature called the Born-Alive Act, which would require doctors to provide medical care should a baby survive an abortion, and failed in opposition to then State Sen. Obama.
What kind of society have we become? Some people wouldn't even think about treating an animal this way, and we are doing that to the littliest ones.
God has put this burden on my heart and on so many to pray to see the end of abortion.
A national campaign "40 Days For Life" is held annually across the nation, which just ended Nov. 2 this year. This year, there were over 170 cities participated, thousands upon thousands fasted, prayed, held prayer vigil outside abortion clinics. Over 500 babies' lives were saved, I am sure there were also many more we don't know about.
If you are reading this, perhaps the Lord is stirring that compassion within you as well. I invite you to join me in prayer and fast on a regular basis, whether it be skiping a meal (or fast without TV, or anything that you'd hate to miss) once a month, or once a week to bring yourself closer to God in prayers to petition for the lives of the little unborn babies. also gives you details on what they are about. They are going to have Spring campaign coming up.
James 5:16-18 in the bible says, "an effective and fervant prayer of a rightous man avails much. Elijah was a man with nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit."
God has a purpose and destiny in His divine plan for EVERY PERSON. Even when a man and a woman get together and make a mistake, a life is formed, God does not make a mistake. That little person could very well be the next Albert Einstein, the next Billy Graham, the scientist that finds cure for AIDS, the person that God has called to bring revival to the world.
Let's press on and pray, and watch our Father work! Jesus said that with faith as small as a mustard seed, we can move mountains. I am excited to see people's hearts change and honor the lives given by our Creator. Let's share the truth with everyone we know, and demolish this lie, one blow at a time.
Background: The Context to Right Conversations
Change the world? Yes please, but first we have to engage our culture.
Engage the culture? First we have to learn to steer clear of destructive
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