Thursday, February 4, 2010

Building Unshakeable Faith!!

Have I abandoned my blog for so long again?

Time is just flying by while we are having fun. With homeschooling the children, new direction and opportunities in mentoring, taking the kids around for the classes and activities, taking up classes myself, we are constantly on the go while trying to honor a day of rest in the week to recharge and go again.

I am sure I am not alone. Nonetheless, there's so much peace in my life, true peace amidst busy-ness.

I don't know how I could function without the Lord in my daily life, though it may sound cliche to some.
God cares about the big things and in every detail. I feel even without a schedule, He leads me to know when it's the perfect time to do laundry.

Putting God first is not just about giving Him the first hour of our every day, it's about having Him centered in our lives. When you care so much about someone, you want to be included in his/her life. That's how God is to me, and it's such an awesome thing to teach our children.

The "God-concept" has to be established in our children's own lives for that relationship to stick. I hope they will not say one day, "I believe... because my parents told me so." That's like an open door for someone to come in and knock that faith wall down and to lead a child astray when he has no clear and strong conviction of his/her faith.

With the Lord's help, we teach our children to hear God speak, first-hand, we teach them to talk to Him as their Best Friend. We teach them to ask God questions and listen for Him to answer. We see God's work in our daily life, and His presence in the smallest blessings.

God's real, He's not made up, He created all the beautiful things around us to remind us of His greatness and beauty. All will wither away, only God, His Word and the things of His Kingdom stand for eternity.

That, my friend, is the kind of faith built on the Rock, unshakeable... no matter what kind of bricks the world tries to bring on!